Our Upcoming Workshops:

- Ongoing Membership -

San Diego, CATBD, 2025
TBD, 2025

Vibrant Living
January 24-26, 2025
Orange County, CA
January 24-26, 2025
In Vibrant Living with Balance, you learn the secrets that almost every spiritual master practices to keep themself vibrating at a different frequency than others around them. Frequencies that allow for the magic of life to unfold.
"I’ve set, met, and exceeded financial goals for personal income and investment for my start up. This has been an incredible journey. I’ve been “studying” transformation, therapy/psychology (I’m a psychologist as well as Entrepreneur), and spiritual practices of all sorts, but the coaching with INSPIRE Coaching has taken all of the theory, knowledge, and workshop content (so many workshops and so much content), and put it all into practical real life application."
__Tony, Psy.D.__
Our Core Pillars:

Lisa Kalmin & Lynne E. Sheridan
As the principal and founder of WorldWorks, Inc., Lisa Kalmin has created leaders, who raised over $2.4 Million for Southern California charities, and millions more in gifts-in-kind and volunteer hours. In her 33 years as an international transformational coach and with her recent book, The Problem is How You See the Problem, Lisa is a sought-after public speaker, trainer and business coach. Lisa is a founding member of the Association Of Transformational Leaders in Southern California and a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, a national organization of well known transformational leaders, authors and thought leaders.
Lisa Kalmin and Lynne Sheridan are both principles in Inspire Coaching and iNSPIRE BUSINESS SUCCESS, and have been best friends since they met nearly 28 years ago.
Lynne has trained over 50,000 students internationally and is a relationship experts, with her recent book, The Birds and Bees of Joyful Monogamy: Nine Secrets to HOT Partnering and a series of Couples retreats to support passionate, connected partnerships.
Lynne is a founding member of the Association of Transformational Leaders in Southern California, the wife of an amazing artist and the proud mother of a twenty-year-old young man, and a seventeen-year-old spitfire girl, who consistently serve as teachers to her, as well as a constant source of inspiration.
"The Training was a powerful way of gaining true, valuable skill sets, to support clearer, functional presentations that evoke and inspire others into action. There is a tremendous value to be able to present , multiple times and received valuable feedback from staff and other participants about presentation, its working items and its area of improvement. It allows you to leave with workable, usable skills to use immediately."
__Gerald, CEO.__
"This was one of the most powerful trainings, that I have ever taken. Now I appreciate how much work is needed to prepare for any speech. I have learned how to prepare, deliver and inspire the audience with any subject matter. Learning from other people’s speeches let me to create a lot of value and I applied it to my own speech. I strongly recommend the training to everyone."
__Michael, Consultant__